
Wednesday, 15 July 2015

WIP Wednesday

I don't know what has got into me but I am ACTUALLY doing more finishes at the moment!!!! Lots of cheering happening here.

So I was asked if I had anything for my band raffle coming up this weekend and I was just going to finish up my hippo (more on that later) but it didn't work out for various reasons and instead of starting a whole toy I just used the other dog that I was intending to use for a raffle prize anyway.

I cut out this fabric LAST YEAR!!! I made up 2 kawaii dogs last year and got them finished but for some reason though the third one was cut out, the face put on it and the ears and tail all ready to sew on, it just didn't get sewn together.

See here is his beautiful face all sewn together in OCTOBER last year. I just went through my archives and found the original post in October last year. I guess that isn't too bad ... in the same box there is fabric partially cut out for another owl that was started at least 2 years ago. I will get that finished one day.......

I also sewed the tail on slightly oddly and got it back to front as I actually wanted the cream on the front but it still looks awesome. It is ready to give for a raffle prize which is all that is important. 

I will tell you more about the Hippo later it's another whole post on it's own and it's special enough to be all on it's own.

Happy Stitching,


  1. Your dog is so cute!!:) I know how WIPs pile up. I have two crochet cushions that need some lining and backing for past three years, one table cloth waiting for weaving in threads for part two years. The list is endless.

  2. Hi is sooo cute. Look forward to hearing the hippos story:)


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