
Wednesday, 1 July 2015

WIP Wednesday

I really don't have much to show you at the moment as I spent the weekend either playing Oliver or working at Disney on Ice. 

I haven't had any chance to work on much though it's kinda cool that I was sitting in band performances and using my blanket to keep me warm and working on it in the gaps in the music. I had to play both a flugel horn and a trumpet throughout the performance. It was so much fun :D and as much as I enjoyed it I am glad to be finished with it and have my weekends back again!

Any progress is good progress but I really haven't made much yet since last week. And it's so lovely and warm :D 

Happy Stitching, 

1 comment:

  1. How exciting to be playing such big events! Your blanket is lovely, Caitlin. Have fun stitching :-)


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