
Thursday, 7 May 2015

A-Z Reflections

I have been thinking about this a little bit and today hasn't been the best day trying to keep my head on straight. Dealing with banks and their beaurocracy is no fun. It's funny though because I walked right out of the A-Z challenge into another May challenge to post everyday.

 I thought it would be hard but I got in the habit by the end of April and into a really nice rhythm and it works. I've never been an easy writer as the words quite often take a while to come but since doing the challenge I have found it easier to just sit down and write.

I don't struggle to get my thoughts on paper / computer as much and I even managed to finish another unit of my course during that time.

I am still highly distracted though and easily end up taking ages to do something simple. Like this post... I keep getting distracted reading other blogs... But I have been managing to post each day. (Most days... I only missed one and I made it up the next day.)

I also found some crafts were really easy to write about and some weren't next time I'm going to have to think about it a bit harder and find something easier and simpler to talk about... Actually after watching all the A-Z stitching I kinda want to do them.

Anyway I'm rambling because I'm absolutely exhausted and my day isn't over yet.

Happy Stitching,

Oh P.S. I've got an awesome cross stitch series happening at the moment over on and I'd love it if you could join me over there I'm explaining all that you need to know to cross stitch. EVERYTHING.... It's a VERY big list!


  1. Caitlin, I have those days, too - where I feel so scattered, I can't focus. Chin up! It passes ;0)

  2. Just now getting around to visiting the blogs in the challenge. April was a busy month for me. Congrats on completing the A to Z Challenge! Looking forward to next year! See you on the Road Trip!



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