
Saturday, 9 May 2015

Blogs I Read

Now the prompt for today was what are you reading blog wise this week. Share the love around. I follow a LOT of blogs. It's part of the problem I never manage to get through all of them each week but there are some I always make sure I read.

I read a lot of blogs some are craft ones some aren't here are some of my favourites:


She's an awesome cross stitch designer and the projects she works on are lovely. I love seeing and reading about her new adventures.

She's amazing. She has three lovely girls and manages to find time to stitch constantly she has numerous HAEDs on the go and makes great progress on them. I love her princess Izzy project.

Keeble's World

This lovely blog is about a Disney crazy Stitcher and coping with Aspergers and the world. 


I have been following her blog for a couple of years now since before she had her eldest child. I love the projects she comes up with and all the beautiful colours she uses in her blankets.

I have been following this one as long as I've been following Little Tin Bird for much of the same reasons. She makes some gorgeous gorgeous blankets and stuff and the colours she picks are amazing. 

I love her blog she always speaks honestly. She talks about a little bit of everything. She was a crochet blog but now she talks about a bit of everything. I enjoy reading her honest opinion. 


I love the projects this lady manages to make. She makes all the clothes that her daughter wears. They are stunning and look wonderful. It is an inspiration to make more clothes. 


I try to read this blog often as I find it inspiring. They are good about anything creative and quite often I find they help with finding inspiration.

Life Behind The Purple Door

So this is the blog that started it all. Well at least the reason I'm posting through May. I like reading about her journey and she is inspiring... She's also essentially my SIL.

And Sew We Craft

I love this blog.... I'm kinda biased now as I started writing for it but I love the broad range of crafts and all the inspiration and projects that are available. 

 Hope you enjoy this list.

Happy Stitching,


  1. A nice list of crafty blogs, some I haven't seen before, I'll have to check them out!

  2. I read tangled threads . I know about attic24 but I am not a regular reader. Thanks for sharing!! :)
    I will have a look at remaining blogs.

  3. Great list, Caitlin :-) I read Keeble's World and Attic 24, but the others are new to me. Thanks for the recommendations!

  4. Thanks for the mention. Now I've started crocheting I will go check those blogs out:)

  5. I nice list there! Thanks for including ASWC x


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