
Friday, 1 May 2015

My Family Right Now

I'm very very crazy. I only just finished the A-Z challenge and I agreed to blog everyday in May as well!

My sister-in-law or the closest thing I have to one (my partner's sister) wrote about how she intends to write every day in May. She gave a set of prompts for May that I just love. You can find the blog post here. She blogs at behind the purple door.

So the first prompt was my family right now. My family has changed so much over the last couple of years. I was in a destructive relationship that thankfully I got out of but it's been on my mind a lot lately as I'm finally in the process of finalising the financial side and I am so grateful for what I have now. 

I've found someone who actually understands me and wants me to be me. He's happy with who I am and he wants me to be happy. Also his kids are absolutely wonderful, most of the time. They're still kids and have their ups and downs.

So my family now:

He hates getting photos taken but he likes all the photos I'm getting of the kids. 
He supports me through so much at the moment. 
His shoulder is almost fully healed from his operation at the beginning of the year. 
He wants another job but the market at the moment is too picky.

He is doing great in school but needs to learn how to be a little more quiet when in the classroom. 
He's very grumpy at the moment and complaining of sore limbs so he's about to get taller again. 
He loves to dance around the house until he realises that someone else can see him.

 She's doing great in school particularly since she got glasses at the beginning of the term. 
She likes to be in charge of everything but also loves to help as much as she can.
She's going through tween mood swings and arguments but when she's happy it's great.

And now to me. 
I'm still looking for work but I'm making steps forward by completing more training.
I found I loved blogging most days last month and it got easier to write as the month went on.
I signed up to do 2 musicals on top of my normal band, Jazz band and Brass Ensemble this month it's a little overwhelming.
I've got a head swimming full of craft projects and ideas so we shall see if I manage to get any of it out this month or not.

Happy Stitching, 

I'll catch you around here over the next month. I have a lot to share and I look forward to continuing to post. 


  1. Nice to meet you and your family Caitlin.


  2. You mean I've got more daily posts to read?!! Better clear some space in my schedule.

    Lovely photos of your family. Mine is about to expand by two, my cousin has been approved to adopt two little girls so we are all very excited!


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