
Monday, 26 October 2015

Craft Every Day

Join me in Crafting Every Day in November

This has been a thought going around in my head for the last couple of weeks as I know November's NaNoWriMo is coming up and after doing the A-Z challenge I wanted to do something for it. I wanted to do something that suited me and my blog and it came to me in a flash. I should do crafting everyday! I mentioned this to Cate and she said she saw somewhere that was hosting a craft-a-long for November and I knew it was fate.

So I signed up for Makers Collective's 30 day challenge I don't know that I will do any of the projects  they have on offer, I know I need to get my stuff completed particularly with Christmas just around the corner. So each day in November I will be crafting for at least 30 minutes and writing about my adventures each day. It may just be a photo with a little bit of a blurb but I will be achieving something everyday.

My rules for November:

  1. Craft for at least 30 minutes each day 
  2. Share a photo of my before and after progress on Instagram.
  3. Write a post each day sharing my daily project. (I'm technically going to be a day behind with sharing on here so I can craft up until I go to bed and I'll share my progress the next day)

Main Goals:

  • I signed up for an ornament swap so I need to make up an ornament!
  • I need to write up at least 3 finishing tutorials which means crafting the actual finishes so I can get photos. 
  • Christmas Gifts (still not 100% sure what I'm doing here ...) 
  • Afternoon Tea ( I really do want to make some significant progress on this if I don't move forward with anything else.) 
  • Ginger Bread Man No. 3 (It needs to be finished)

Just understand that this is me and it can and WILL change on a dime but there are some projects that I do need to finish. Things like the ornament swap piece are non-negotiable but what it is I'm making for that is still up in the air.

The purpose behind this project for me is that I want to make an effort not to just sit there and do nothing but to be productive and achieve what I want/need to achieve. This project isn't about being the fastest or the best at anything it's about making time each day for myself. My craft is me and I have a lot going on at the moment and I often find I sit down at night and do nothing. I don't want to continue that so I'm going to document next month as I enjoy my crafting and (fingers crossed) hopefully finish a couple more projects.

Will you join me?

I'm not necessarily asking you to sign up for the maker's collective 30 day challenge, though that is one way to do it, I'm asking you to join me in my craft-a-long. 

Whether you post on your blog or instagram I would love for you to share it with me so that I can come and cheer you along as well. I want to end November feeling like I've achieved something awesome. 

So how about it? Join me in crafting everyday in November? Post everyday or once a week but always CRAFT everyday. 

Happy Stitching, 

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