
Monday, 19 October 2015

Lord of the Dance and my weekend.

It seems to have become a birthday tradition in my family for our dad to buy tickets to go see one show or another for our birthdays. Last year my mum, sister and I went to 'The Lion King'. This year we went to 'Lord of the Dance: Dangerous Games'

Oh gosh it was an awesome night out. We had a fourth ticket so grandma came along as well. Very different to riverdance! Lord of the Dance is more theatrical. It tells the story of a sprite having a bad dream. It was hilarious when the guys came out at one point with no shirts on and the audience all sighed. 

If you have any experience with riverdance or any of the off shoot shows the most amazing part is the points where they all dance together. It's amazing the precision and work that must go in to land every step at exactly the same time. It is an extreme amount of work and training to dance together like that. I love the effect. 

I was also extremely excited about what I wore last night. I've been hinting at this for a couple of weeks and if you follow me over on andsewwecraft you would have seen my posts about it here, here and here.   But even if not here is a photo of me wearing a dress I made in the last week out for a night out with my sister, mum and grandma. It was an amazing night made even better because I felt beautiful in my dress. 

That was Thursday night. I spent the day running around the kids activities on Friday and then on Saturday I had my concert for MBSO. It's the second last one for the year with only the Christmas concerts left. It went great but left me exhausted, 

Then on Sunday I decided we needed to get out of the house so I dragged everyone for a hike up Ngungun. It's one of the glass house mountains and one of the easier hikes. The view from the top was just amazing. 

 Here we are at the top. A nice lady took a photo of all of us. That is Mt Tibrogargan in the distance.

Just to give an idea of where we are sitting in the above photo. That is the edge. It goes straight down. 

Another view out from the top. There were full 360 degree views.

And the top of the Mountain. It was a long rocky ledge. Quite busy this morning but still worth the walk. The view was amazing and the kids are already asking to go again. 

I'll return on Wednesday for some stitching updates but I thought you'd enjoy these photos. What did you get up to this weekend? 

Happy Stitching, 


  1. Beautiful outfit! Love the mountains too

  2. Beautiful outfit! Love the mountains too

  3. Very well done on the dress. The views look like they would be awesome:)

  4. Very well done on the dress. The views look like they would be awesome:)


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