
Friday 24 April 2015

U is for...

Unfinished Objects

Ohk not exactly a craft but I was out of ideas for U. We all have a tonne of Unfinished Objects or UFOs in our stash. They are all things that we at one time or another wanted to work on but either you forgot about it or you fell out of love with it.

So what is a UFO?

It's an object that is unfinished but that you haven't been currently working on. Sometimes you can have more than one project on the go at a time and that is fine. They are all Works In Progress (WIP). UFOs are those projects that are forgotten, or haven't been stitched on for too long to remember.

Some Examples

So I was reminded of this when I was going through my craft stuff at my parents house. I found a kit I'd started ages ago and hadn't worked on for at least 3 years, longer I think. I didn't like the white on white but I had no choice as it was the best colour to start in the middle.

Sorry about the bad photo it's getting late and the white is hard to capture properly. Actually the white is almost impossible.

I know I have other projects. If I dug through my yarn drawer I would find all sorts of half formed ideas and thoughts. I like to try out thoughts but very rarely follow through and finish what I start working on. ... It's actually a reason I started blogging to start holding myself accountable to someone other than me.

How to find out more?

Well you can go searching through your own craft drawers and find your UFOs. If you have them decide if they are something you can reasonably finish or if they are something that just needs to be relegated to either someone else or to a bin. I know I have passed cross stitch projects onto others. Too many bad memories associated with it to continue so I passed it onto my friend who wanted to do it.

Happy Stitching,
and I hope you find the UFOs you've got hidden and find something special.

Join me tomorrow for a special V is for...


  1. LOL. Boy, you hit the nail on the head. I found when I started blogging I got a LOT more projects finished - and a LOT more spinning in my head. ;0)

  2. You should finish that project Caitlin. I don't dare say how many UFO's I have.


  3. Oh, yes, I know all about UFO's. I have a lot of those floating around. I did frog several crochet ones this year. So far, I don't have any cross stitch ones.

  4. Aw man, I have a piece that I started in high school and probably is officially an UFO. I'll stare at it, and once every few years pull it out, but it's never gonna be done. I just know. XD

    Fulfilling Dreams

  5. I don't have too many UFOs but there are a few tucked away. I should add one into the list each year and try finish a few!

  6. I have a drawer full, sigh ,!!


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